Angshulima RayChaudhuri   (ANGSHULIMA❤️)
1.1k Followers · 7 Following

Oct kid
Taurus moon sign

Am not at all a writer
Joined 10 June 2019

Oct kid
Taurus moon sign

Am not at all a writer
Joined 10 June 2019
11 NOV 2023 AT 17:07

My love was not enough
Neither was his ....

Loved each other madly
Cried for each other
But the

Beautiful falls short
Incomplete yet wholesome
Torn yet well knit

The soul embibed the poison
Which broke

Two broken again....


2 OCT 2023 AT 15:58

Your hoods...

Take me away from this world
Where no one will be there,
There to judge our actions
And US..

You have already swept me off my feet..

In the hood of yours'
The safe place of your baby girl lies...

Let's elope
Where the light which haunts
can't reach.....

Darkness of yours' and mine....
Beyond this world of others...

Don't hesitate to lock me down....


20 DEC 2022 AT 1:49

I had been the bad one at times....
Just want to say in your art wanted a small space of mine....
Can you give me the last chance to just say


10 NOV 2022 AT 2:11

She is not broken
She is staged so......

Although, She wanted to speak
But remained unheard and so...

Yes in vain
Went all her tears

Yes She could not break
As her's was already broken into pieces

No, she was not weak
But She was depicted so.....

It was her tears which reminded her
Of her self immolation...
But she never learned from those...
Or Maybe she did

But she was knaive enough to give in
Not once not twice but over thrice and so
It's the test of her faith


19 SEP 2022 AT 3:25

Not in your arms
But in your verse
I searched for our love story
It was incomplete
It wasn't well sculpted
Maybe it was even one sided

But only it gave me
The feeling of completeness
Maybe it was not the nights
Neither the mornings made for us
But maybe it's the evening
Which will have us someday....

No not in your verse
But in this world
We will have our love penned


13 AUG 2022 AT 1:30

Whose definition is not yet staved....

But am afraid,
Leave me on my own
Am afraid of the touch of known...
Unknown is better unknown
When known you crave for those..
Let the unknown crawl through
Reach the tunnel of mine
But only one condition
You will never be known


27 JUN 2022 AT 14:33

Hold me in your arms...
Hold me tight enough...
Tighter than you breathe...
Let me inhale your presence...
Let me inhale it deep...

I want to feel
Feel The warmth of your care
Not just the thrust of your's...

Can you hold me always
And be my ether
Which gives me the Warmth
To breathe...

Hold me in your arms
I want to feel your heat


10 JUN 2022 AT 15:27

I am craving for your hugs
I am craving for your warmth....
It's something sublime
Worth the wait and time ...
My bruises need to be nursed
They are striding Hard
In the hope
Of your Love....

I want to hug you once
I want that once
to Yonder Endlessly....

Endless Yonder...
Of Our Hugs
... .


8 JUN 2022 AT 17:29

Glissade through my hoods...

You never know
When you will be
Caressing me
And I will slip through...
Grab me
Am about to slip
I want to grab you
The one last time....
One last time
I want to miss you
I don't wanna fall for you
Any more....


3 JUN 2022 AT 23:26

I miss those days
Of Childhood
When I used to be Carefree
Carefree enough to
Have Queries without even having a second thought

I just suppress my quest ....

Maybe am slack,
Am no more brimming...
Life has drawn to a close ... ...


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