Ananya & Souvik   (Souvik)
31 Followers · 32 Following

My life is completely my making
Joined 27 January 2023

My life is completely my making
Joined 27 January 2023



28 APR AT 22:04



24 APR AT 22:32

There had been multiple times I tested if he is real, or is it some placebo effect? As you go to any celebrities, you will feel sudden shock inside your system where you might be crying, laughing, or some other primitive response from your side, but in the presence of Sadhguru, even if you logically withdraw all that is coming from his side, some things will drag you not only to his feet but to everyone you see or meet after he leaves. His presence and his grace will make you realize how simple it can be, which we make it so complicated every day. 


24 APR AT 13:54

Mountains tall, a sage so wise,
Trident in hand, his gaze defies.
In realms high and minds profound,
Who is he, this sage renowned?


23 APR AT 12:05


Pain, suffering, torture inside out,
When the body speaks-
Enough of your drama,
Neither do you provide what I need,
Nor can you fulfill all my greed.
You remain in your closed eyes,
I'm withdrawing from it.
Then, her gang in red capes arrives,
With all their illusive, lusty drives.
The closer they get, the more lies.
Where you face with two choices,
One offers everything,
One leads to emancipation.
Smart is the one who sees nothing,
Except the solace from this delusion!
Amidst your hocus-pocus dreams-
As time winds down,
Where all must meet their end,
You need not seek,
For in the end, she devours everything.


22 APR AT 12:38

Alakh Niranjan

The one whom we can't perceive,
Yet he has come at us to receive.
Oh beloved, like this through your life,
Please remind us all more to thrive.
The eyes we see and eyes in sleep,
Both need to merge in darkness inside,
To meet your light before you exit.


15 APR AT 21:13



13 APR AT 16:41



5 APR AT 0:47



3 APR AT 22:17



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