Ananya Dasghosh  
2.7k Followers · 103 Following

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Joined 22 August 2019

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Joined 22 August 2019
26 NOV 2022 AT 13:12


25 NOV 2022 AT 17:35

— % & — % & — % & — % &


7 NOV 2022 AT 17:38

It's more than difficult, more than our hearts can bear when the year's about to end. It's the hardest for me to compose a goodbye and I am not at all doing that today. I know all of us are so much shattered and breaks our heart to leave a place that we called as home, a haven and above all the zone that sheltered our sanity and preserved our rants too.
It would be difficult for us to not wake up to YQ notifications or pokes but sincerely I want to read, learn and grow with each one of you over here. I won't say a goodbye at all because I am pretty sure the verses and words, the poems and stories, the bouquets and highlights and everything that YQ had gifted us would keep our strings attached.

Please do drop your Instagram IDs in the comment box because I can't afford to miss my family here.
My insta handle for us to remain connected and talk and chat is : @that_panfriedpoet

My love and light to all of you always.


1 MAY 2022 AT 20:50

NaPoWriMo was a beautiful experience throughout April and it continues to make journey of writing even better. April is surely not the cruellest month and if Eliot lived his art would have surely created some beautiful pieces too. I am immensely grateful and overwhelmed to each one of you who read, inspired and motivated me throughout in this journey of art and aesthetics. 30days and so many different prompts, and am still left to explore so many exquisite prompts that would help my journal of making poems this year going. This NaPoWriMo was a different experience as I explored and learnt writings not just here but also in my page on instagram. So much creativity and so much essence of beauty everywhere made me feel as if I was exploring some art museum. — % &I feel guilty of not reading much this month and also there's a whole gallery of prompts still left to attempt which I would be doing for myself and for each of my readers.
Well, with this acknowledgement note I would bid adieu from here for some days to concentrate a bit more on my academics but I promise I would be writing every now and then so that I can enliven myself for those moments. I would make my drafts and would surely let those pieces breathe here and on my instagram page @the.forgottenpoet once am bit settled with my current projects and endeavours. — % &I promise, promise and promise I'll be back real soon, I have a whole family over here and I can't be away for a long time. Inshaallah! Take my love and light, my people and spread them around through your art and poetry, the world is surely in need to it, in need of artists like you.
Keep me in your prayers and blessings.
Eid Mubarak to everyone and love! — % &


1 MAY 2022 AT 16:20


30 APR 2022 AT 20:15


30 APR 2022 AT 13:50


29 APR 2022 AT 19:45


29 APR 2022 AT 9:23


28 APR 2022 AT 20:01


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