Alex Ikpi   (Alex)
20 Followers · 46 Following

Connect let's write and reflect
Joined 30 June 2020

Connect let's write and reflect
Joined 30 June 2020
12 APR AT 22:04

In a bid to retain your sanity, never struggle to fully understand every mystery in life. There is sometimes great peace and eternal bliss in the ignorance of certain things.


10 APR AT 19:32

I sure miss the golden old days when conversations with my little friends were sincere from our infantile hearts, when my dreams and aspirations were untainted with the harsh realities of life.
Moments my hopes and desires burned like wild fire.
Days when my laughter was genuine with no obscure emotions underneath.
I enjoyed the luxury of peaceful nights and cheerful days.
I miss the excitement I felt when I recited poems in school and sang hymns in church.
I miss them all.
Unfortunately that is about all I can do, just miss them.
I am forever trapped in this ugly prison of adulthood, never to be released to the freedom I once enjoyed during childhood.


31 MAR AT 12:00

It is given to the human nature to commend privily and condemn publicly.


30 MAR AT 13:12

Faultless and guiltless yet gruesomely treated,
Condemned by mortals though pure and untainted,
Tortured and murdered by men so mean,
So awful for a Nazarene who knew no sin.


30 MAR AT 11:49

True love must be displayed in action, not just expressed in diction.


29 MAR AT 12:56

He who runs away from crucifixion is certainly not ready for an ascension.


28 MAR AT 12:18

With just words, wars can be created and peace brokered.


27 MAR AT 10:44

Knowledge is quite admirable but the process of acquiring it is quite miserable.


26 MAR AT 10:41

Mould your truths with decent words, polish them with a fine tone and offer them to the people on a platter to avoid chaos.


25 MAR AT 10:45

Your lamentation and misery mean nothing to reality. It dictates to you what will be.


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