Aishwarya Venkatesan Β  (Aishu)
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Spread happiness positivity and loveπŸ’œπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
Follow in instagram @aishufied_quotes
Joined 18 November 2018

Spread happiness positivity and loveπŸ’œπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
Follow in instagram @aishufied_quotes
Joined 18 November 2018
19 FEB 2022 AT 9:32

Your voice has become my only choice.
Your words pour like
A Grain to a passerine
The Rain to a grain
Maraine to the rain

Each day with you is as pleasent as early morning dew.
Each day my eyes see your's they find something new
Essence of your presence turns me blind to the crew
You bring changes in my point of view.
Your words provide unsolved puzzles with clue
Your hands in mine turns my heart blue.
You give sollution to the things I screw
There is nothing more to prove
Really want this us to be true

β€” % &


26 JAN 2022 AT 9:46

When she can give a tight slap
And sleeps like a baby in your lap
When she can handle your mess with kiss
When she can sense you are tense even in silence
When she can give tear,which her fingers are waiting to clear
When she can scold you to mould you
When she can hold on to you even if your words are cold
When she can bear your truth even though it is brute.
When she can love you even though you screw up stuffsβ€” % &


26 JAN 2022 AT 9:40

I have people around,
but my heart chooses empty ground
I potray myself as a clown,
still my heart weeps alone
All my smiles are not fake,
but I need a break.

β€” % &


19 NOV 2021 AT 23:29


To all the men, who worry about my tears.
Rather than those who take advantage of my fears.
To all the men, who never find blunder on gender.
To all the men, who never make lame excuses to blame.
To all the men, who don't take chances when she is in his hands.
To all the men, who are not just man by birth but also by heart


10 OCT 2021 AT 11:09

Bud that blooms into a fower
never tends to roar.
Even if you give harm,
they stay calm.
Sun that shines bright,
Chooses to be quiet.
In morning, Moon thrown out
will never shout.

Silence is the peace,
that keeps your life in ease.
Silence is the voice,
that never make noise,
Silence is the treasure,
That gives you pleassure.
Silence is the secret,
breaking which you will regret.
Silence between me and you
is the love we never knew. .


14 AUG 2021 AT 22:58


Life is not easy,
When you are little more lazy.
Life is not easy,
When you are bit more crazy.
Life is not easy,
When you don't care things being messy.
Life is not easy,
When you can't accept things fishy.
Life is not easy,
When you are girl being fleshy.
Life is not easy,
When you are not a man always being busy


1 AUG 2021 AT 22:16


I searched down so deep
Not left even a small leap,
But finally was left to weep.

I searched so high
Not to let them fly,
But lost in all my try.

I searched so wide
Not left a side,
But ended up tierd.

Finally found my happiness inside
mocking at me with pride ;)


26 JUL 2021 AT 21:51


Some people in our life are candles,
It's not necessary for them to melt,
rather their love is just felt.

Some people in our life are fresh blossom,
They leave us with eternal reminance
like those flowers leave us with fragrance.

Some people in our life are star,
no problem they go how far,
Still seeing them shine
we would feel fine.

Some people in our life are moon
They never knew, seeing them shine bright,
would drive our darkness out with their light

Some people in our life are spring,
we wait for the happiness they bring.


14 JUL 2021 AT 21:32


Its just a moment,
That brings memories that haunt
Its just a moment,
That feeds people's mouth with taunt
Its just a moment,
That brings the escape you can't
Its just a moment
That changes your linear path to bent.
Its just a moment,
That stands for all the curses sent.
Its just a moment,
That makes the guilt in your heart dormant.


25 JUN 2021 AT 11:37


Not every pain comes to drain me,
some pain brings me gain.
Though some goes in vain,
Some takes me to my correct train.
Some makes me so insane,
Still helps me choose my lane.
Some makes me go out of brain,
yet they are main.
Some pain crashes me like crane,
despite, I feel fine

that creates no impact, when got from my enemy.
that helps me study people, when it is from stranger,
that shatters me into pieces,when it is from my love.
that kills me hard, when it is from my mother.
that strengthens me, when it is from god

that becomes my best friend when I am all alone.....


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