Abnoor Ahmed  
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Joined 9 January 2019

I write
Joined 9 January 2019
31 JUL 2021 AT 15:30


Laved my insubstantial abysmal flask.
Introspected once afresh too precisely:
Whether it lingered any trivial pigment.
Seized a fifty-rupee note and egressed.
Portal of my habitat abutted my digits.
Destination is at hand: a minute's plod.
Betwixt lolls few entities & inanimates:
A durable road bulit sundry yonks ago,
Dyad wonted plots: outlet and a home.
Roadside embodied few titchy dittanies.
Unlit was the aura above those herbs.

My landing-site was crappy luminous.
Bode my time for a litre of moo's juice.
Prior to me was an aged creased male.
He fetched naught: no firm containers.
Retailer consequently spilled the milk:
Into a pellucid polythene with caution.
Twirled summit of the ductile bag and
Jammed it with brief pliant plastic cord.
Ditto we need to squash our lives often:
With meraki intents and hale adroitness.
To procure lofty euphoria in our graves.


27 SEP 2019 AT 18:52

Replenish my tiny injudicious
encephalon with beautiful lies.


16 MAR 2019 AT 10:51


Another monotonous day alive,
And labour I have is no different.
Got to saunter 2 miles straight if,
My shanks don't weep and fret me.

Touched my pre-mark on a vehicle.
Had a rough time there, not so long.
Presently another 2 miles away there;
But lower limbs did begin treading.

Pollution of noises scattered in air:
Loud honks of transport systems,
Clamours of street side vendors;
Enough to make you light- headed.

Time is running swift; but not me.
Saw the route: everyone trooping;
Like a dull serial killer on the prowl.
Always being there round the clock.


6 MAR 2019 AT 10:54


Espy the misery in murky episode,
Summons me aloud with brill zest.
Expecting preciously to greet me:
With open arms and a clean smile.

Euphoria denied my filthy presence.
To their asylum; as I might pollute them,
They labelled me "Blight of Virtue!"
As my satanic intellect kills their guts.

But misery ain't so ropy diabolical.
It furnished me shieldy indemnity
Offered me tears at hour of grief.
Forced my face to nuzzle my pillow;
To knead my insane tears of sorrow.


2 MAR 2019 AT 12:25


A virus ambushed me this day,
Approached me and whispered:
Can you lend me your anatomy?
So I catechized "Why Mr. Virus?"

Poor virus stood at ease to vote:
"My mission behests pure triumph,
Death anticipates me each second.
Host cells are my only godfather,
As I don't have metabolic power."

"Tried chiliad times to find a cell;
To infect it, to hijack it's genetic rules.
But none. But I spotted you at last;
My tail fibres carried me to you."

It's eyes stood close to tears;I saw.
Even half-life ones have a purpose,
A mission to succeed, a time to live:
Among the wild ecosystem of fauna.


28 FEB 2019 AT 21:05


The circus boy trudged on the trapeze:
That were secured by knots to poles.
Strode forward as wisely as ever;
One step forward, raised an unbalance.

Both organs of sight tried hard not;
To gape earthwards nor crabwise.
Myraids of spectators watched him,
Praised him; his mettlesome act.

But fellow was afraid he might slip;
That would create his fortunes leap.
Trapezes bore his life; offered income.
Nor was he ardent in anything besides.

Went on the ropes his footsteps;
Took a leap of faith and optimism,
Pushing his whole might and main:
For a short event, a short trapeze.


16 FEB 2019 AT 21:05


Voice in my core upswings.
Seeks to ameliorate my soul,
Concocts ticking sound in me.
Dragging me back joyously:
To abode of sickened beauty.
Senses pulled back and forth,
No sudden agonies are felt.
No sudden consciousness.
No sudden words, phrases.
All lies in tunnels of eternity.

Once vibrations of numen felt,
We'll notice the cosmic airspace:
Of another realm, quite divergent.
Past Memories: both lofty & nasty;
Would grab thy soul ,thy cerebellum.
Years later, deceased us would stroll:
To another realm, primarily bizarre.
Non-identical events are probable,
As thy body reclines in divorced zones:
Of time ,space and adrift consciousness.


12 FEB 2019 AT 12:05


Quotidian routine of mine,
Concerns detecting veridical sense:
Of our pocket-sized entity;
Every which way including circs.

It's inutile to determine this.
Cause chiliad alive alike are;
Drowned in ocean of confusion,
Seeking for a pukka reason.

At last, some abide by the shore.
But some get soaked in that moana;
Bidding goodbye to atoms of the ocean.
They call 'em yellow-bellies of humanity.
Hearsays of their delicacy are outspread.

Have you ever thought of?
That the ones who are most broken;
Are the ones who are most evolved.
Self-immolations aren't cowardice acts.


10 FEB 2019 AT 21:52


While admist a clump,I try;
Not to vocalize cheesy truism.
Took sundry years to shape:
My knowledge,my notion.

But alas! They hear more of my lips.
I go venting junky sentences!
Useless army of words leaves me;
Coherent enough to ruin my worth.

Hot-headed are my own locution!
Enouncing first ,thinking comes later.
Sometimes I get bewildered as hell;
As they don't perceive vocables I tell.


10 FEB 2019 AT 11:43


Via the lame window, she stares;
At the pavement that entail repairs.
That day the path underpinned footsteps:
Of colleens in their traditional dresses.

All bedizened in order of their excellence,
One thing expressed,leaves out the difference.
Beatific grins sinked each coupon!
Trinkets added bonus to this phenomenon.

Lost in those ornaments she was, for awhile.
Void scenarios filled her eyes in exile.
Colleens were treading down the roads;
But she got imprisoned in her own thoughts.

"A day will come!" She thought!
When I'll amble down the road.
With opulent ornaments a lot;
"And my elegance will hold a bode!"


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