Abhinav Kashyap G.B  
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Science Geek who is an Astrophile 🌟🌠✨⭐🌌🌃🌉
Joined 6 October 2019

Science Geek who is an Astrophile 🌟🌠✨⭐🌌🌃🌉
Joined 6 October 2019
21 JAN 2022 AT 19:21

You were more than an actor, you were multi-talented in many things.

More than anything you were a devoted Astrophile-who had an infectious enthusiasm for "Astronomy and Astrophysics" and curious about Astrology.

You were a person of full of infectious optimism. Your loss is irreplaceable.


18 JAN 2022 AT 22:13

More than 1,300 Earths could fit inside mighty Jupiter..
There are approximately nearly population of 8 billion on Earth, that means there are nearly 8 billion people like you on Earth who are unique..

So 10,400,000,000,000 people can fit inside Jupiter if possible..
The Stars and planets are more than a benevolent presence in the night-sky, they are an inspiration for our strengths and weaknesses..


6 OCT 2021 AT 20:15

If you love "Astronomy and Astrophysics", then it can make you feel elevated and important.

It can make a person feel like an emperor.


4 JUL 2021 AT 14:45

The basic "Astronomy and Astrophysics" is as important as a phone which everyone carries.

"Astronomy and Astrophysics" unleashes the curiosity in everyone, Scientific temper, and Scientific way of thinking in everybody.

The basic "Astronomy and Astrophysics" is as important as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics or even any other subject which we study in our schools.


23 JUN 2021 AT 19:56

From my understanding and observation:

There is a reflection between Oceans and Space.

"what is a Black hole in Space is a Whirlpool in Oceans"

"British Astronomer George Biddell Airy worked out a rigorous mathematical theory which showed that if you constructed a specially designed water canal around Earth's equator, a wave traveling around the canal could become amplified.
Similarly, the plasma rotates more quickly at the sun's equator than at the poles."


16 JUN 2021 AT 13:44

If you want kids to love and enjoy "Science", give them "Astronomy and Astrophysics" books and then you can see the magic.

"Astronomy and Astrophysics" has the ability to build and ignite the sparks of "Scientific temper" in young curious minds with good thinking skills, good innovative and creative mindset.


15 JUN 2021 AT 12:44

It is said that whenever you are looking at the night-sky, full of stars. You are not only looking at stars, you are also looking at the past.

For that I would say "get a telescope and you have a time machine"


10 JUN 2021 AT 12:01

"Astronomy and Astrophysics" has taught me a lot, other than about the "Cosmos".

"Astronomy and Astrophysics" has taught me time management (Astronomical clock), broad-minded thinking (the Cosmos is very vast), discipline minded and optimistic (Cosmic ordering by Bärbel Mohr), sense of order or uniformity (Plato's idea of Cosmos), Concentration and patience (Astronomical observations), sense of purpose (our purpose in this Cosmos)


29 MAY 2021 AT 20:21

An “Astrophysics and Astronomy” is a person who holds a lamp in darkness, where the lamp is "Science" which guides other people. The "other people" refers to different Science disciplines here.


29 MAY 2021 AT 20:06

If all the different Scientific disciplines were different musical band members who are trained in different music instruments and are performing in an orchestra, then an “Astronomy and Astrophysics” is like a conductor who conducts in orchestra.


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