Abhinav anil   (ABHINAV ANIL)
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Joined 3 April 2018

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Joined 3 April 2018

Someone asked
'' How much you're being scolded in your home ? ''


6 MAY AT 21:44

एक हुआ दिन पूरा शाम ढलते-ढलते,
रात ने बैठाया कहा थक गए होंगे चलते-चलते,
तो गले लग जाओ मेरे और दे दो अपनी थकान सारी,
रवि कल फिर आएगा निभाने अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी,
कल एक नये पन्ने पर नयी लिखना तुम कहानी,
जीवन बहता रहे रुके ना कभी ये बहता पानी...


3 MAY AT 22:11

What i know is i'm nocturnal,
& you're bright as sun,
How can we meet when we both are on a run?


30 APR AT 23:26

What if Pain is proportional to the Gravity,
Moon land will be desired to reduce negativity,
Sunlight touches the Moon's surface & cavities,
Light becomes lighter & soothing for humanity.


27 APR AT 23:58



25 APR AT 20:54

Hand in hand walking on saturn rings,
Need a space where time isn't bothering,
With you beside me let travel to the rigel,
Let outshine its brightness with our presence,
Let milky way & andromeda collide into one,
Now we have a reason to travel beyond to find a home,
Nothing can escape from the saggitarius,
But gravity of our bond can defy its nature,
I want to lock my eyes with your's for light years,
Let meet in nothingness & escape from existence's barriers..


22 APR AT 21:18

अगर मेैं समझ पाता,
तो पुछ न लेता तुमसे,
और जो पुछ ही लेता तो,
क्या इतनी दूर रह जाता तुमसे,

ये उलझे हुए धागे जो,
किस्मत सजा रही है,
क्या पास आ रहे हो तुम मेरे,
या ये दूर ले के जा रही है,
(in caption)


22 APR AT 17:27

You did household work for a day,
which your mom does daily


19 APR AT 21:45

Neither i nor you wanted it,
world in which we live,
you know i need you to survive,
and you need me to thrive,
problems wear mask & knock daily,
you move me ahead, you are my therapy,
Things are not good but not that bad,
as long as you're on my side & I'm your back.


19 APR AT 19:29

you have a sibling fight,
but now your sibling need a favour
from you.


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