Abhigna❤ Mudigonda❤   (Abhigna mudigonda)
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Joined 3 March 2020

Joined 3 March 2020
28 JUN 2021 AT 15:06

But how beautiful it is to reflect them in our actions 😅
That's how they will be alive with us, within us ❤
People might vacate but memories will never let the soul leave their loved one's hearts. 💕


25 JUN 2021 AT 8:15

This time, hold on to pleasure, and
Admit that another birth is a chance to cut the pain...
Hard to do, though, but inevitable to see the joy in a child's smile, freedom in bird's wings, love in a man's truth, and heroism in a woman's loyalty.
And come back, to get me inspired by the determination of a reborn's will!


25 JUN 2021 AT 7:16

Heyyyaaaa!!!! The day has come😃💃🏻🥳🥳🥳...

Many more happy returns of the day bro, sweetest person on earth 💕🎂🥂🎉🎈🥳...
Honestly am telling you, u r the sweetest brother every girl could wish💖. U have always been there to hear my drama👻, support me in needed times🥺, and play crazy quiz games with me😂. I am happy that u didn't feel bored playing those question games with me😛😂 but it was fun knowing how similar we are, isn't it? 🤭😝 I wish u stay the happy and lovely person u are and....

Here's your gift🎁🤭.. Enjoy the day😂🥳🥳


11 MAR 2021 AT 14:14

It's not a sin to die for what you believe in if there's a guarantee, that what you believed in is gonna live after your death.


20 FEB 2021 AT 14:04

All the feelings of mine are as deep as the roots of a tree whose flower is named as brainless wisdom.


14 FEB 2021 AT 4:16

Sometimes, though it isn't willfully done, you will be slipped into new energy from where you might question and search for that older version of yours, but the thing is it is on the urge to fade away if given a chance and the one who is preventing that to happen is YOU.


12 FEB 2021 AT 21:46

Why pause when U made up your mind for something beautiful?...

Is it because that isn't supposed to happen right now or because you are avoiding the actual manifestation.


10 FEB 2021 AT 20:03

Everything happens for a reason. Give it time to uncover the lesson it wants to teach you.


10 FEB 2021 AT 19:39

The idea that everything has to make sense doesn't make sense sometimes, and that's when u need to rely on your intuition and wisdom.


10 FEB 2021 AT 0:02

It's hard to stay in your body and feel all your emotions as how they really are, than to stay in your head and feel them.


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