Aakash Vyom   (Aakash 'Vyom')
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Joined 2 December 2022
12 OCT 2023 AT 1:33

सफ़र में मुश्किलें ना हों तो कैसा सफ़र...


3 OCT 2023 AT 7:20

क्या है कविता?

शब्द श्रेष्ठ हो जाते हैं सोच से मिलकर
सोच श्रेष्ठ हो जाती है भावों से मिलकर

इन्ही भावों, सोच और शब्दों का अर्थपूर्ण (कभी कभी अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से भी) संयोजन और संयोजन की सुंदर मधुर अभिव्यक्ति ही कविता है।

एक ऐसी रचना जिसे वाक्य पूरे करना भी गवारा नहीं, अपितु वह कम से कम शब्दों में जगमगाती है, अपने बहु अर्थों पर इठलाती है।


20 JUL 2023 AT 23:29

आसान नहीं होता बस कहना आसान होता है
सफ़र-ए-ज़िंदगी किताबों में आसान होता है

किताबों को भी ग़र जिया जाये तो पता चले
हर पन्ने को है पलटना कहाँ आसान होता है

कहने को हम भी कह दें पर उससे क्या मिले
कोई कहे फिर परखना कहाँ आसान होता है

मुश्किलों में ग़र घिर के जिये तो क्यों हों गिले
कोयला चले हीरा ढलना कहाँ आसान होता है

गुल की है ख्वाहिश बगीचे बाद भी फूले खिले
ख्वाहिश हर पूरी करना कहाँ आसान होता है


19 JUL 2023 AT 12:14

..Gentle breeze whispering,
Leaves dancing in the golden light,
Nature's songs unfolding..

..The Cosmic symphony,
Stars twinkling, galaxies spinning,
Universe's intimate show..

..Thoughts dancing like a ballerina,
Mind wandering through endless realms,
One with the Creation...


19 JUL 2023 AT 12:06

सूर्य तप रहा है, चंद्र शीतल है
सूर्य चिढ़ गया, या चंद्र को जलाता है
चंद्र जले न जले सूर्य फुंका जाता है


18 JUL 2023 AT 18:17

Diary's pages hold thoughts.
Whispered from a soul's depth,
Secrets etched in ink.


18 JUL 2023 AT 18:09

Enchantress in Sari,
Colors swirl, captivating,
Refined every fold.

Radiant like morning sun,
Silky flair in each step,
Elegance in motion.

Ethereal belle,
Charms bloom in gentle smiles,
A captivating presence.

Charismatic as moonlight,
Words flow in sweet melodies,
Captivating hearts.

Goddess in her grace,
Divine beauty, fierce and strong,
Heaven in attendance.


18 JUL 2023 AT 17:48

Dating me is like
An ever-blooming garden
Love's fragrance in bloom

Dating me is like
Sunlight through a cloudy day
Warmth in every smile

Dating me is like
A sunset's golden embrace
Warm and captivating

Dating me is like
Sunrise painting skies with hues,
Endless warmth and light


18 JUL 2023 AT 17:43

The leaves of my heart, once lush and green,
Fluttered with hope, a vibrant scene.
But time has passed, and seasons have changed,
Now they drift, withered and estranged.

Some leaves bear scars, etched deep within,
From love's sweet touch, or a painful sin.
They tell stories of joy and moments of pain,
Of love's embrace and its bitter terrain.

The leaves of my heart, delicate and frail,
Carry the whispers of each romantic tale.
Some were plucked too soon, before they could bloom,
While others transformed into a love's sacred tomb.

But amidst the fallen, new buds arise,
Hope springs forth, a beautiful surprise.
For the leaves of my heart, though weathered and worn,
Hold the promise of love, newly reborn.

In the dance of seasons, as life unfolds,
New leaves will emerge, their stories untold.
The tapestry of my heart, ever-changing and vast,
Weaves a mosaic of love that will forever last.

So let the winds of fate gently sway,
As the leaves of my heart continue to play.
For with every beat, a new chapter will start,
In the eternal story of my resilient heart.


18 JUL 2023 AT 17:37

Dating me is like a vibrant dance,
Full of surprises and a touch of romance.
Like a rollercoaster, thrilling and wild,
Each moment with me, a journey compiled.

Dating me is like a cozy embrace,
Warm and comforting at a gentle pace.
Like a novel, unfolding page by page,
Discovering layers, an exciting stage.

Dating me is like a starry night sky,
Filled with wonder and dreams that fly.
Like a puzzle, intricate and unique,
Finding pieces that fit, love's mystique.

Dating me is like an endless adventure,
Exploring the world with fervor and pleasure.
Like a symphony, harmonies entwined,
Creating melodies that forever bind.

So come, take my hand and embark with glee,
For dating me is an extraordinary spree.
Together we'll create a tale of our own,
A love story beautifully grown.


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