Aaiana   (Aaiana)
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Joined 7 July 2020

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Joined 7 July 2020
18 MAY 2021 AT 22:45

Death vibes ( the unfulfilled desire)

I am walking , trudging in the blind alley.
I am talking , unexplainedly with the strange death valley.
I am thinking , standstill of thoughts wandering communally.
And above ; I am living , confused and gloomy in melancholy
Walking , talking , thinking
And above;
I am living!!
Still , dreaming for breathing deep inside my grave!!

Dressed in gorgeous black attrire ,
With a chrysanthemum flower.
Spiritlessly, realising the real peace ,
Listening to the hootings of the omen of death ,
Encouraging me for my permanent decease,
Walking , talking , thinking,
And above;
I am living!!
Still, dreaming for breathing deep inside my grave!!


4 JAN 2021 AT 12:11

“We could be miles apart to touch each other's body
But we are too close to feel each other's soul”


22 NOV 2020 AT 13:11

Trembling - twitching , quivering - palpitating,
The canoe in the rivulet is continuously rippling ,
The left twing is held by divine,
And the right twing our deeds incline,

From the birth to the death,
The patter of tiny feet,
Sobbing loudly while greet.
Likewise the day of Interment,
Everyone cry their eyes out,
Mortals weep untill the last breath.

Human's are so curious ,
Spend whole life in being furious,
Ruined nature which was glorious.
Searching - researching to emphasize
For the way to heaven ,
And forget the askew Avenue to Paradise.
While drifting in the serven .

Love and hate ,
truth and fate ,
Check and mate,
Positate and negate,
Death is still an enigma ,
Sum up all and infer the sigma.
Shuddering - juddering , tottering- teetering,
The phenuma between life and death is undulating .


26 OCT 2020 AT 0:10

A flower of rose is always sheathed with thorn ,
but it's fragrance wouldn't ever fade .
Just like that , a writer is never born,
In every phase he must be made .

He is always contented,
not because he has got whatever he desired ,
but being propitious for what god had gratified .

Honours, silver lucer , lavish life and stardom ,
And a whim waking in mind to be like 'Barnum'.
Wanting more and more is a human tendency,
But instead of a human, a writer has never applied this legacy .

Blowing wind , rising sun, and the noise inside his silence soul,
With his pen , paper and strong will power
and nature's blissful nature.
With a limited desire ,
he is so called a satisfied creature.


12 OCT 2020 AT 22:22

Your words are no less than a sword,
It speaks with the ink gifted by lord.
Jot down the words on paper,
Not just only to adore ,but to explore,
And then you will begin to soar .


3 OCT 2020 AT 23:52

शाम होने वाली है पर अभी तक वह घर लौटी नहीं है,
मां को भी चिंता हो रही है क्योंकि वो‌ कोई छोटी बच्ची नहीं है।
कहां होगी ? कैसी है ? और किस हाल में होगी,
कुछ पता नहीं ना जाने किसके साथ में होगी ।
डर-सा लग रहा है पर कदम और धड़कनें थमीं नहीं है,
वो चलती जा रही है पर यहां हैवानों की कमी नहीं है।
मां ने कहा कि बेटी जल्दी घर आओ , कहीं कुछ हो गया तो ?

तो एक चीख सुनाई देगी , एक किलकारी का शोर होगा,
कोई बाहर नहीं आएगा पर सारा मोहल्ला जाग रहा होगा।
सुबह सब आएंगे देखने , अनलंकृत पूरा शरीर होगा ,
दामन लहु से सना होगा और आत्मसम्मान मिट्टी में मिला होगा।
कुछ लोग बातें बनाएंगे‌ , कुछ चरित्र बस मेरा ही गलत बताएंगे,
कुछ आगे भी आएंगे और कुछ बस मूक खड़े रह जाएंगे।
फिर तहलका मचेगा , मीडिया में डंका बजेगा ,
आंदोलन होंगे , भीड़ में रोष जताया जाएगा ,
उस निर्भया की तरह मेरी क्रांति को भी दोहराया जाएगा।
फिर वही शाम होगी और अखबार की हेडलाइंस किसी और के नाम होगी,
फिर हैवानियत अपना रूप दिखाएगी और कल कोई दूसरी स्त्री उसका शिकार बन जाएगी।

वह कैद है पर नारी तो एक आजाद परिंदा है ,
क्योंकि वो अकेली है और बाहर खड़ा एक दरिंदा है।
चारों तरफ बस नामर्दों का डेरा है ,
जिस गली देखो , बस इंसानी शैतानों का बसेरा है ,
लेकिन मुझे फिर भी गर्व है कि ऐसा भारत देश मेरा है।


26 SEP 2020 AT 22:21

Remind yourself that there is
no success without a failure .
Choose to be happy and use
Your mistakes to master your art.
When there is no one... just remember
You will always be in my heart's chamber .
Just because you losed once,
Remember !! Another strategy's stuns
Remember !! For what you are doing
To change the society's hell!
To make yourself well!
Remember !! Your continuity is prime
As great things take time !!
You are so unique from this crowd!!
And that's the reason.... why I m so proud!!
- Aaiana


24 SEP 2020 AT 15:08

Dusk to the dawn
From a corner to the town,
In the welkin with a magical aura ,
Sing the melodious notes of the coloratura .
This society will gibberish and criticize,
But she is also a goal oriented divine,
Pluck up the spirit and set yourself free ,
And expose...... Just Let Me Be!!!
Unshakle yourself from all the chains,
Throw the shit in the drains .
Don't tell everyone , only give a gist,
Vague the recollections of dreams in your fist.
Forge ahead to the illimitable azure heaven ,
Pluck up the spirit and set yourself free,
And expose.......Just Let Me Be!!!


5 SEP 2020 AT 0:00

Father- my first teacher , my all time influencer,
Worth more than a hundred advisor .
He may works in school for hours....
but he always sacrifices his students to make time for ours
I have heard as many as synonyms of a Father
But that one which fits the best is a "Teacher"


4 SEP 2020 AT 0:31

who never counterfeit
writing for the sake of self,
With the words that
always stun.
Different from a charlatan,
Writes his own,
legitimate lines.
Pondering thoughts,
rather than myths....
Makes him a sublime


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