A K  
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Mechanicalengineer, sports enthusiast and a stand-up comedian. Not a writer.
Joined 10 January 2017

Mechanicalengineer, sports enthusiast and a stand-up comedian. Not a writer.
Joined 10 January 2017
10 JAN 2017 AT 11:36

He kept looking at her diminishing figure, hoping for her to come back. She didn't. A tear rolled down.

The trees, the sky, the wind; all felt guilty. For they couldn't share a hug.. with a soul in agony.


10 JAN 2017 AT 10:54


New fight, he frowned.

New opportunity, God whispered.


29 JAN 2018 AT 21:07

What I learnt from 3 idiots is if you let passion, hobbies and other chutiya things in life fuck off and mug up the definitions like a robot, you'll end up having a bungalow with maple wood flooring and a hot wife. Who the fuck wants to click pictures or teach Nepali kids for a living? Not me.


24 AUG 2017 AT 9:03

Back in medieval age nobody thought, "governance" would be a possibility. In 19th century, nobody thought revolutions would make any difference. It's 2017 and people think voices on Twitter don't matter? Let's prove them wrong.

25th August. 18:00 CET (22:30 IST). Let's create the world's first and biggest Twitter campaign. Let's take one for the honesty, goodness and Mes Que Un Club.

Tweet #BartomeuDimiteYa #BartomeuDimiteHoy #CiaoBartomeu

Tweet it multiple times, till it reaches limit. Tell your friends, family, neighbours, people on street. Request big accounts for support. Schedule hundreds of tweets. Let's stand united for best club in the history of football. 25th August. 1800 CET. #ViscaElBarca #ViscaCatalunya


5 JUN 2017 AT 19:49

The final hour ticks. Four years, all friends, million memories and countless escapades. This shall remain in hearts forever.

Love you guys. No matter how many differences, no matter how many feuds; when it comes to celebrating life, there's no haven better than what I had for 4 years, with you all.

Fucking incredible, we have been, scraping through the mortar & pestle of an affair, that engineering is. Like I always say, you only have to be luckiest to have classiest of companions. Viva la Vida. Together in all walks of life.


25 MAY 2017 AT 16:49

He was the song she kept coming back to. She was the tune he never held on to. The mandolin lied forlorn as the paths never met.

Days later, he fell in love with the tune. But... the mandolin was already sold.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Let's make an art bigger than music." He thought.


25 MAY 2017 AT 10:52

She wanted him to be like boardroom meetings at 2 pm, quiet & unfeigned. Or ice cream dates in pajamas, unadorned & euphoric. Or a song in her playlist, choral & joyous.

But all he could be was a nightly spell of wantonness. Intimate by the dusk, effervescent by midnight and... gone by the dawn.


24 MAY 2017 AT 0:16

The way to a man's heart goes through his stomach, he said, binging on to the third pancake of the night.

Far away, a little guy hugged his mother and slept without eating. There's more to hunger than just food, he recited.


21 MAY 2017 AT 10:08

Whenever you feel down, just experience something that is excellent beyond the realms of human imagination. It's the best source of positivity.

The twosome of Pep's Barca & Viva la Vida, a few morphemes of Greg Roberts, forgotten chef d'oeuvre of Ingmar Bergman or just a customary guy playing a broken piano.

Binge on to what regales you. Life is too short to keep doing things those have no significance in grand scheme of affairs.


21 MAY 2017 AT 9:40

Whenever you feel down, just experience something that is excellent beyond the realms of human imagination. Best source of positivity.


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