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Feel. Express. Write.
Joined 9 May 2021

Feel. Express. Write.
Joined 9 May 2021
30 APR AT 22:19

He had the power to
be her peace or
ruin her peace.


23 APR AT 20:07

From her impatience to have
conversations every day
to her patience for
a single text..
She kept waiting each day..


17 APR AT 18:12

Words are never enough
to describe an anxious soul.


16 APR AT 21:49

Silence hurts more than words.


11 APR AT 22:28

Let it hurt until
it can't hurt anymore.


3 APR AT 20:19

Change is permanent
and humans are the best example of it.


26 MAR AT 20:36

Love does not have a reason
but betrayal does!


21 MAR AT 15:39

Have you ever been tired?

Tired of trusting people
just to get betrayed each time.
Tired of hoping too much
just to lose hope from life.
Tired of giving in every bit of yourself
just to give up on yourself.


15 MAR AT 23:07

Eventually, he shifted
From consoling her
to constantly ignoring her,
From non-stop conversations
to ghosting her,
From never judging her
to being intolerant about her,
From loving her
to making her feel unloved,
From being her peace
to giving her anxiety,
From healing her broken pieces
to breaking her completely...


11 MAR AT 22:27

Every time you gather strength and lift yourself, you're broken and shattered worse than ever.


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