8 MAY 2017 AT 19:59

A person asked me if I really think that I am just a piece of meat with a brain, with no god to care me and no soul inside, like a chicken.

Sometimes I wonder how stupid people need to be, to think of themselves as a superior person due to their religion.

And how stupid it is to think that this universe is biased toward humans and that we hold more importance to it than any other species just because we have assumed a way in which the universe works, better than other species.

People need to understand that importance is a relative thing.
You see chickens as piece of meat because you don't give a shit to their soul.
In the same way Hitler did not give a shit to weaker people. In the same way children died in syria.

I eat chicken, and also I don't believe in god or souls.
But if you think that there is a god and you are more important to him than any other life in this world, then you are really a selfish and ignorant person.
