Venus and Taurus   (S.S)
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कलम से शब्दों तक की दूरी का नाम कहानी
Joined 9 September 2022

कलम से शब्दों तक की दूरी का नाम कहानी
Joined 9 September 2022

Law of behaviour

Men are at their best when they behave neutrally, giving equal space to every gender without any prejudice, and treating you as a true human being. But the moment they start treating you like some kind of specie made for entertainment without any soul or feelings, start behaving like a complete jerk, then all of a sudden they look like a cockroach to me, and my hands start itching to crush them to the ground with my slipper. Then say “You asked for it.”


30 APR AT 10:38

I would rather die outside than inside the hospital, I can't dare leave my family with bills worth lakhs and zero EQ medical staff.


30 APR AT 0:33


“अंग्रेज चले गये तुम्हें छोड़ गये
अपनी मातृ भाषा बोलो तुम अंग्रेज नहीं हो”
और फिर बोलते हैं, गूगल, ट्विटर,
अलाना के फ़लाना के CEO भारतीय हैं
वो क्या बिना अंग्रेज़ी पढ़े वहाँ पहुँच गये ?
अपनी भाषा बोलो उस पर गर्व करो
पर उसके साथ - साथ एक ऐसी भाषा
भी सीखो जो तुम्हें मुख्य धारा से जोड़ दे
कब तक लकीर के फ़क़ीर बने रहोगे ?
कब तक अपने नकारे पन को भाषा प्रेम से ढकोगे ?
और ख़ुद तो पीछे रहोगे साथ में हमे भी घसीट रहे हो
मतलब ग़ज़ब ना हम आगे बढ़ेंगे ना तुम्हें बढ़ने देंगे
ये मानसिकता कब तक ढोओगे ?
कहते हैं पहले सरस्वती आतीं हैं तब लक्ष्मी आतीं हैं
कभी आज़मा के देख लो, कब तक कुएँ का मेंढक बने रहोगे ?


26 APR AT 17:40

Expose communists, liberals, leftists, secularist and democrats
They are no better than extremists
God : “I am done with you.”


26 APR AT 16:53

The funniest thing is that women who are supporting conservatives and extremists don't understand that they will be their first target. To be honest they don't need your support at all, if you ask them they will ask you to wipe out your entire existence, if they come to power you will be the first person who will be on life support system. For them you are nothing more than useful idiot.


26 APR AT 16:12




26 APR AT 15:42

What is freedom?
The word society itself is the contradiction of freedom,
Complete freedom is the complete demolition of society
Question is, are you ready for it?
If I think on surface level it sounds fascinating to me
But if I go deep in thoughts I can see complete anarchy
A world where only criminals will be able to survive not you and me


25 APR AT 19:20

Waiting for my suttebaaz coworker to come back from break so I can take my break.


25 APR AT 14:19

Throw a stone

I will gift stones to my daughter
And I will tell her
If a man stares at you and makes nasty remarks,
don't panic, throw a stone at him
If a self-righteous boy pulls your hair or dupatta,
Don’t cry, throw a stone at him
If a goon stalks you at night,
don't hide, one shot break his head
If a mad man is flashing his private parts in a narrow alley and laughing like a disgusting demon from hell,
Don’t be afraid, throw a stone right at the centre
If someone tries to force himself on you,
Don’t surrender, throw a stone at him
If anyone touches you inappropriately in cinema hall, public transport, school,
Don’t hate yourself, throw a stone at him
If someone makes you feel uncomfortable in a fair, religious procession, public ceremony,
Don’t be afraid, throw a stone at him
If someone tries to steal the light from your life,
Don’t run and hide in dark, face them,
Throw a stone
I promise that I will never blame you for being targeted by criminals,
but I will never forgive you for not fighting back


23 APR AT 16:53

I know my sister is about to make a mistake


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