#writeitout quotes

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16 MAR 2018 AT 15:06

Do not write in your personal diary
write on your quote let the world
read it let them judge It , they feel it anyway.....


29 NOV 2020 AT 10:04


4 FEB 2021 AT 13:03

Everyone of us is a writer in our own
way. The only difference is that many
write in their mind and scrap it.
Whereas few put it on paper or other
form to express it.

हम में से हर कोई अपने तरीके से लेखक है।
फ़र्क सिर्फ इतना है कि कई लोग अपने ज़हन
में लिखते हैं और फिर निकाल भुलते हैं।
जबकि कुछ इसे व्यक्त करने के लिए कागज
या अन्य रूप में डालते हैं।


17 DEC 2020 AT 11:06

लेखन किसी अन्य गतिविधि की तरह है,
कोई भी शुरू कर सकता है और कभी भी रुक सकता है।
यह शुरू और बंद सिलसिलेवार तरीके से चलता है,
लेकिन जब आप नहीं लिखते हैं तो भी मन
आपको लेखन में सक्रिय रखता है।

Writing is just like any other activity, one would start and may stop anytime. This start and stop may happen many a times but mind keeps you active in writing even when you don't write.


8 AUG 2020 AT 15:22

Nobody reads the writer
more than they read themselves.
Thus nobody understand the writer
more than they themselves.


17 SEP 2020 AT 10:30

The easiest way to be
understood is by being
simple and easy.
More comfortable you are
to read the more convenient
it would be for you to reach
heart and mind of people.


23 AUG 2020 AT 17:01

रियाज़ of writing is actually Reading.
The more one reads, the more one
Learn the Art of Writing...


12 FEB 2021 AT 11:02

There are many ways to write but to
start writing remains the first one.

लिखने के कई तरीके हैं लेकिन
लिखना शुरू करना पहला है।


11 SEP 2020 AT 8:34

A writer writes from the heart and
speaks for their mind. Many a times,
heart and mind change their roles.


25 DEC 2017 AT 14:31

When it hurts,
even to write
how you feel;
is when you need,
to write it out
the most...
