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22 FEB 2019 AT 21:08

‘My own pace’ may seem a secluded expression,
for me it carries a charismatic impression.
Grants me much soul and vigour to progress,
makes my solo heart stay put and not digress.
For every raised eyebrow around,
For every work which I delay they frown,
can be blamed on this aspect,
which makes my craft worth a connect.
Had I not been working at my pregnant pace,
I would never be justifying this ingenious space.
I need my span to create this art,
It really matters if my pace is as per,
the solace of my quintessential heart.


18 FEB 2019 AT 18:07

Everyday is a race.
What I am learning now,
is to beat myself.


16 FEB 2019 AT 11:41

Soulful Rhapsody

My soul sings a different tune today,
some in chaos and rest are in dismay.
When I decide to find the reason why,
I am told you never ask when I cry?
It’s seldom that you let me talk,
Mostly it’s the outsiders who control your walk.
Today it’s me who wants to enlighten you,
get up and prepare to refresh and renew.
I thanked my stars for a feeling so right,
My soul is generous to have showered this light.


1 MAR 2019 AT 18:48

Deconstructing thoughts

In the Comfort of your own bed:

-Kids - Want all their meals.

-Teenagers - hide their phones or their magazines.

-Working adults- relish morning cup of coffee.

-Married- look forward to sleep till late.

-Old Age- wish to leave it early morning and preach the same.

Its the same bed and the same you...meaning of comfort keeps changing.


22 FEB 2019 AT 0:42

I am most willing to face my truth
Just make sure those perceptive eyes
change the demeanour, restrict their look.


10 FEB 2019 AT 19:11

The best gift I ever got was,
the one I had given myself.
This time nothing would lack,
No tossing around,
No turning my back.
No empty stares towards the ground,
No losing my perfect knack.
Before he could play his obvious game,
and think of distorting me,
I had to stake the claim,
and make this game work for me.
Freedom at last from this painful bond.
Ending this relentless torture,
I had long undergone.
Nothing has ever pleased me more,
than this gift that I now own.


9 FEB 2019 AT 10:18

If my silence can create ripples around, then I have successfully claimed back my place.


27 APR 2020 AT 4:01

Had aspired to develop a new skill in these testing times. Little did we know that our life would revolve around the dining table able kitchen


1 MAR 2019 AT 16:09

Each time he looks at me
his soulful eyes tell me our unspoken truth.


22 FEB 2019 AT 13:38

My modesty has the power
to haunt your guilt forever.
