#prose quotes

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27 FEB 2019 AT 0:14

Darling, the world will
continuously push you
to fit in the jungle ruled by sordid men;
protect yourself and seek no one but
the voice inside.
keep quiet and listen -
silence is speaking.


5 DEC 2018 AT 11:54

Without you,
the moon
shines no bright.

Without you,
even heaven
feels like hell.

Without you,
I dream more
with no sleep.

Without you
I may live but
with half a heart.


8 DEC 2018 AT 18:55

(अनुशीर्षक में पढ़िए)


10 MAY 2017 AT 18:35

Dear YQ ians,
यदि किसी एक दो का नाम लेकर उनकी तारीफ करूँगा तो ये उनके साथ ज्याती होगी जो दिल से और बहुत अच्छा लिखते हैं। मैं समझता हूं सब के पास एक अलग कला है, कोई write-ups अच्छे लिखता है , तो कोई कविता, कोई गज़ल तो कोई नज़्म , कोई one/two liners अच्छे लिखता है तो कोई letters , कोई गीत अच्छे लिखता है तो कोई मुक्तक छंद , कोई व्यंग्य अच्छे लिखता है तो कोई कहानी ,पर सब लिखते बड़ा कमाल हैं किसी एक को चुनना दूसरों के साथ नाइंसाफी होगी। कोई अंग्रेजी का किंग है तो कोई हिंदी का सम्राट , कोई उर्दू का बादशाह है तो कोई हिंदुस्तानी का राजा ,मगर सब लाजवाब हैं। किसी को पढ़ के मन में आक्रोश पैदा हो जाता है तो कहीं असीम शांति मिलती है, कोई गम्भीर से गम्भीर व्यक्ति को हंसा देता है तो कोई पत्थर दिल को भी पिघलने पर मजबूर कर देता है ,पर हैं सभी अद्भुत। कोई आपको अपना गांव याद दिलाता है तो कोई शहर की सैर करा देता है। किसी का लेखन आपको नए शब्दों की सौगात दे जाता है , तो कोई अर्थों के समंदर में गोता लगाने को बाध्य कर देता है। कोई अपनी लेखनी से प्रेमिका की तस्वीर उकेर देता है तो किसी को पढ़कर मां बाप को बार बार thanku कहने का जी करता है। सब अपनी जगह अनमोल है कोई किसी दूसरे की तरह नहीं लिख सकता।
मैं हमेशा कहता हूं चाहे जो हो पर सब आदमी से इंसान बनने में लगे हुए हैं ।


10 AUG 2020 AT 0:40

Prose has flow.
Poetry has flight.


20 SEP 2018 AT 14:12

In trying to find the average of life,
many forget the median of their actions
makes the real difference.


7 APR 2022 AT 23:36

silence runs too deep
in the veins
that everything in its path
it drains.— % &


16 JUL 2019 AT 15:01

In the depths of my mind,
There are proses,
Unread, Untouched, Untold.


8 FEB 2018 AT 0:57

know that demons live inside you.
find them, talk to them, interview them.
play a rapid fire round with them.
let them assume you are just your ego
and your subconscious is dead.
let them tell to you all the acidic desires
they want you to manifest, and then
reveal your subconscious to them.
bring yourself face to face with your
own demons. slay them one by one.
until you have slayed every demon except the ones you need. the power of knowing your own demons is the nightvision you need to see the demons hiding around you in plain sight.


21 FEB 2019 AT 22:25

Zikra and Guftgu were in the coaching institute. They were waiting excitedly for the results to be announced today. It was going to decide their future. Many other students, sitting on their benches, talking of various analysis given by other coaching experts, discussing expected merit, were constantly refreshing the webpage. Breaking this cacophony, suddenly, a student announced, "The result is out."

Zikra and Guftgu downloaded the PDF respectively in their phones, checking Each Other's name in the list, finding and then, Smiling. They took God's name, their Heartbeat running at million times a second, looked for their own names.

Their joy knew no bounds. Instantly they came closer and Kissed each other in a flick of a second. Realising they were amidst the informal classroom, Guftgu backed off. Looking at her shoes and speculating on the sudden stolen moment, she smiled which was reciprocated by Zikra.
