#livemore quotes

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5 MAR 2019 AT 21:41

Sunset reminds me to follow the impeccable beauty of nature, eventually it'll be glowing in the heart for swelling & the mind dwelling itself to inspire a lot in every creation of God; Do you feel it or now feelings appear within? Come up, we have the freedom to enjoy its benefits, and it's absolutely fantastic mind blowing!


5 JUN 2017 AT 7:58

Mornings are the gift of God.
Cherish it, Grow more,Live more.
Don't forget to thank him ,
For this one more gift you got today.


8 OCT 2018 AT 8:46

इस ज़माने में ग़रीबी रूपयो से नहीं.. बल्कि

- तोली जानी चाहिए उन रिश्तो से जो अब है थोड़े बेमाने से ।।
- तोली जानी चाहिए प्यार और नफ़रत के पैमाने पे ।।
- तोली जानी चाहिए उस अपनेपन से जो पहले के घरो में रहता था
पर अब उसके भी ना है ठिकाने से ।।

इन पैमानों पर जो खरा ना उतर पाया,
उस पर से कोई नहीं मिटा सकता ग़रीबी का साया ।।


23 APR 2020 AT 17:10

Books, books, and more books
They keep you firm, motivated, positive, confident, wise and also enlightens us.
They let you see the world,
without having to move your feet.
So, sit back and relax,
gift yourself a book and it does wonders.


10 MAY 2018 AT 13:21

'I will try more' is that quiet voice speaking from the faculty of courage to make us live one more moment.


4 JUL 2020 AT 23:49

Grow up guys...
Galti mat karo
And please..
Fir bhi..
Galti maan lo!!


23 MAY 2019 AT 12:04

Everyday practice to make your smile more beautiful..Live a little more..


22 SEP 2018 AT 12:03

Love a little more,
Live a little more...💕



11 AUG 2017 AT 13:54

Actually, there is nothing
wrong in loving someone
unconditionally for that
love of yours is ultimately
going to make YOU
powerful, no matter you
are loved back or not.
In the former case,
love becomes an INSPIRATION
and in the latter,
to become 'powerful'.


20 SEP 2018 AT 14:12

Don't use words, I can discern all your lies just by looking into your eyes.
I had resentment in my heart, now it's filled with empathy
For your world, full of blunder
For your people, can't help but slander
I am glad I have no one to call my own
As the veil is out and the real faces have been shown.
