#journey quotes

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9 AUG 2021 AT 22:36

What is poetry,
if not the journey of life?
Sometimes it heals you,
sometimes it cuts you like a knife.


21 SEP 2019 AT 12:53

How has writing changed my life?

When past became too painful to remember, present too difficult to endure and future anything but vacant, i gave in to writing. A blank page became my safest abode in wilderness. It not only made my life survivable but also left me with a better understanding of my life and emotions. It transformed my life and i emerged out much stronger, wiser, deeper and a joyous person. A person grateful for the tiniest joys of life.


24 SEP 2019 AT 8:22

My feet resemble
the never stopping
journey I do towards
my ultimate goal.

It shows the struggle
I have gone through,
the paths I crossed,
the thorns that I stepped on
and the scars I treasure
like trophies that time
awarded me.


29 JAN 2017 AT 10:55

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ज़िन्दगी अब तक नहीं आई...
मैंने कदमों के निशां तो छोड़े थे!


12 JAN 2021 AT 22:56

यहां हर मन में है एक कोना,जिसमे छुपी है एक कहानी
कहीं ना कहीं हर किस्से में की है सबने खुद से एक बईमानी,
ना किसी ने हार ही है मानी,ना ही लड़ने कि है किसी ने ठानी।

यहां हर एक मन में है एक कोना,जिसमे लिखी है एक कहानी
बिना शब्दों कि एक किताब जिसकी श्याही,आँखों का पानी।

यहां हर एक मन में है एक कोना,जिसमे जली है एक कहानी
तक़लीफ़ हुई जलने से जिसके पर राख से भी मिली सुकून रूहानी।

यहां हर एक मन में है एक कोना,जिसमे अमर है एक कहानी
हर मोड़ पे शायद याद आये जिसके किरदारों की नादानी।।


28 FEB 2019 AT 19:14

भटक जाते हैं अक़्सर सभी इश्क़ की गलियों में
मोहब्बत के सफर का एक मानचित्र होना चाहिए


18 FEB 2021 AT 21:17

Live to the point where no one can understand who you are!


21 DEC 2018 AT 13:05

It took time,
but I understood
that walking along
is more important than
walking long.


18 FEB 2019 AT 18:03

When I go back to my bed,
I squeeze the moon a little, every night.
I dress up my dark, deep wounds
with its silver blood.
I shed blood to heal me;
the moon sheds light to heal me.
