#hopelessromantic quotes

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24 JAN 2018 AT 19:52

A hopeless romantic he was
Only in his poems


20 JUL 2023 AT 5:46

And there are times
When I am afraid enough,
Afraid enough to scream out to you
How much you mean to me
So I whisper all this to my soul
Still doubtful if it goes the perfect way
But then I think of something.
That no matter how hard it seems
Until I keep loving you without hesitation
There's still a chance!


23 APR 2018 AT 1:21

"Excerpt from a hopeless romantic heart!"



28 JAN 2019 AT 6:51

and my heart melts a little,
everytime I see him try his best,
to become my shield, a wall,
to safeguard me; if he cannot find
a home inside, to be sheltered.

So, I shed some pieces off me,
for him, to come and fill the gaps.

He, but, picks up the pieces,
glues them on himself like a trophy,
fills my gap, with our fragments,
and thus, beautifully, teaches me,
a helpless, hopeless romantic,
what love truly is.


3 JUL 2019 AT 21:00

If I Start Falling Again
(Read Post in Caption)


28 MAY 2021 AT 17:00

The rustle she creates as she comes,
My heart hustles and then hushes,
How do I hide the evident beloved,
My widening smile, my crimson blushes...


8 FEB 2019 AT 11:43

How would you have loved me if I were you?


13 APR 2019 AT 18:42

I wonder if the mere mention
of my name causes your
heart to flutter,
just like yours does to mine.


9 MAR 2017 AT 11:00

The most stunning diamond couldn't match its value..
The most shiny star couldn't match its shine..
The biggest grief in the world failed to destroy it..
Yet just a single face could decide its fate..
It was a small smile on the face of the girl in love with a guy..
Is this what love is like..
To see someone with stars in your eyes..
And be shattered when they leave..
Is it a crime to fall in love so hopelessly..
To give your heart to someone who leaves you after getting bored..
Making you a nobody.


11 JUL 2018 AT 16:37

This naive heart
Dancing on its own tune
Now finds passion in pain.
As if it's addicted to the love
Nobody but pain bestowed on it.

It solemnly refuses
To assimilate the pangs of joy
Anybody offers or showers
As if it's tired of always waiting
For the love that denies to visit.

It has evolved
With scraps of love and affection
Wrapped in the coffin of sorrows
Yet it rains the drops of warmth
The benign souls fail to dispense.

Nescient it is
Of the conspiracies of the world
For it blindly believes
On the impartiality of the Universe
When it comes to LOVE.
