#hindsight quotes

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29 AUG 2020 AT 16:36

Hindsight makes you realize just how just badly you were
duped. By hope, by reality, by bullshit behaviour...
Break down all the times you were told you're overthinking - you weren't. Now you understand when you have removed those rose tinted glasses, that the excuses don't add up, that you ignored the red flag.. They are soon gonna tell you that you were wrong, insecure, crazy, blah blah fuckin blah but remember that's just a cover because getting caught was never an option for them, nor do they have an explanation about why they don't give a shit about you 🥀


23 MAY 2019 AT 10:53

I'll meet you at the other
side of the tunnel.

You might think it would help
if I walked you through the tunnel.
But no, my dear...
The tunnel is yours to tread through.
And that darkness is yours to enlighten.
Haunting as it seems, the path,
it changes you, tunnels you deeper.

You must seek not company
in me or any other soul,
but in that tunnel
and its many secrets.
They say the tunnel
whispers different secrets
to different people,
and I wouldn't wanna rob you
of what the tunnel wishes to tell you.

I'll meet you at the other
side of the tunnel.
And I know it in my heart,
that I'll meet You, all different.

And once you see me,
look back at the tunnel.
It's a palace in hindsight.


14 FEB 2018 AT 19:05

The words I wrote
and cancelled out,
for want of courage,
or the fear of rejection
were the real expressions
of my ardour.

Wish hindsight
could ungarment
my heart.


26 JUL 2019 AT 18:53

You called me your mirror,
that one day, in the morning.
I wondered if you thought
I'm your image, all throughout.

"No!", you'd say, seemingly
reading my mind as always.
"You help me reflect."

In retrospect, you have been
my mirror too; rear-view.
Helping me reflect,
in hindsight, with insight.
Prodding me to look back
every once in a while,
and letting me see
all the miles I've covered.

And you know what they say,
about rear-view mirrors.
"Objects in the mirror
are closer than they appear"

Isn't that what you
made me realise?
That I'm closer to me
than what it seemed?


26 NOV 2020 AT 9:02

You're stunned
when what escapes
in plain sight

appears to you in
hindsight and

v i c e v e r s a .


13 JUN 2018 AT 15:37

How much of life is a blessing in disguise?


People always forget to see the Hind side;

The same smile which gives Pleasure 😁,
When seen from the Hind side gives the
Goose Bumps 😈 to the very core..,


6 FEB 2019 AT 9:09

With hindsight, we are able
to understand how a greater
plan has been working in our


13 AUG 2018 AT 10:41

Time has a value indeed...
But it's realised only in hindsight !


31 AUG 2017 AT 11:56

If I could gift myself something, I would get the benefit of the foresight rather than the hindsight which anyway is a luxury all of us have.
