#clarity quotes

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30 JAN 2018 AT 20:32

Charity may begin at home.
Clarity begins at office.


20 JUL 2019 AT 22:47

I've been writing consistently for the last 5 months and here are 3 benefits for why I write:

1. Clarity - Writing helps me to clear the clutter in my mind and many times has led me from Confusion to Conclusion.

2. Self-awareness - Writing my thoughts down helps me zero in on what is relevant/important to me and understand myself better.

3. Interaction - It helps me to interact with talented writers all
over the country and learn from their perspectives.


14 APR 2021 AT 10:21

Questions always
precede answer.
Problems always
precede solutions.
Chaos always
precedes clarity!


28 OCT 2020 AT 2:24

The desire for perfection and clarity can litter any ground with untamed surprises and different kind of experience.



4 AUG 2020 AT 23:37

Confidence blurred my vision
I didnt know inclusion
So, i kept on creating divisions
With great confidence
I kept on giving conclusions
I knew there's gonna be a big collision
But still i had a real illusion

What was happening inside me was a big battle
I also knew that the results are going to be fatal
There was something inside which was not allowing me
To experience my full throttle

Then, with great dilemma i was just walking around
What i found just left me astound
I saw the flower but i missed its fragnace
Ohhhhh ! I got it
I was wearing the crown of ignorance...


29 DEC 2017 AT 0:05

Silence often reflects,
Whispers of the mind,
The echoes of the soul, and
Determination of your thoughts.


23 OCT 2019 AT 15:54

Spend life with clarity,
Don't carry misunderstanding,
conflicts and complications.


10 JAN 2018 AT 17:01

Let's fall apart, gladly;
Then, glue back, as one.
Mayhap, that's the only way;
To deem the relevance, of us.
A bit of pain,
May bring forth clarity.


29 APR 2021 AT 15:32

Onesided Assumption is the mother of all f #$@$% misunderstandings in the world

And it arises when there's a communication gap between 2 people

Think your questions as demand or clarity and someone arguement as the answer or supply

When there is no supply and we still have demand we tend to find supply outside

May be a friend well wisher or you're innerself who doesn't know the reality of the other person and you n all other start assuming things which may b far from reality,and which will start a process of negative emotion

Best thing to do wait have patience let time tell truth or talk talk talk express all emotion and get clarity from the right person him/her, and stop one sided assumption....


1 FEB 2020 AT 14:28

He loved me like crazy
Sealing his love for eternity !!
Never ever was he hazy
For he always had the clarity !!
