#chauvinism quotes

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6 JAN 2020 AT 13:45

If your nationalism justifies students' bloodshed,
you're what is wrong with this country.


27 DEC 2018 AT 8:38

भाषा में आकाश और अंतरिक्ष भी पुरुष वाचक संज्ञाएँ हैं
एक पुरुष विधिक समाज का नैतिक शास्त्र भी पुल्लिंग है


23 JUN 2021 AT 1:16

Guys be like, I want a girl with goals who fights for her individuality and self respect but at the same time crushes their self respect and existence due to their male chauvnustic ego.


14 MAY 2020 AT 3:20

But Dad, everytime you make
a casual sexist remark at the dinner table,
I love you a little less.

And trust me,
I want to love you. I'm trying.
I just don't understand
how can I be your little Princess
if you don't give Mom the respect
a Queen deserves?


26 JUN 2020 AT 12:13

patriotic on social media

willing to serve the nation.


14 DEC 2018 AT 16:56

you segregate women and children
from the many affairs
like a child separates vegetables
from hot stew.
they may not suit your taste
but they make you stronger.

~to the male chauvinist.


21 SEP 2019 AT 13:19

A boy I am... I choose my path.. Whichever I want to persue...
Wherever I wish to go..
Nearest to the farth.
I declare my intentions and walk off
No body stops, no one questions.
My decisions are not weighed and scrutinized
I am not tested on many a grounds.
I just do stuff my way.. And the world obliges.

I am a girl.
Choices are not my thing.
I am the one who has to oblige, nod off and agree.
I let others decide for me, even when I know what's for my best.
My voice, even though it wants to echo, repeatedly and loud
Shouldn't exceed the occasional whisper.
My decisions, what a joke.
When have I been given the liberty to decide.
And yes.. The ones who say they are liberal and broad minded...
They give me the permission to do things my way.
Yes.. Permission... I need a permission.
I have to be perfect and not make a mistake what so ever
Tested time and again..
Moulded, re moulded
Till I am shaped perfectly to fit into this world.
Of chauvinists and cowards
Scared and insecure.
Trying to rise, showing superiority by suppresing the competition.


20 DEC 2017 AT 14:52

खींच दी थी लक्ष्मण रेखा तुमने,नया था सबकुछ,
प्रेम था इस विश्वास से ही स्वीकारा था सबकुछ,
दिन, हफ़्ते, साल बीत गये सब जाना पहचाना हो गया,
स्वीकार, समर्पण, आदत सी, अस्तित्व कहीं खो गया,
पर वह खींची रेखा हर दिन और उभर ऊपर आती है,
खोये अस्तित्व की खड़िया ही शायद उसे गहराती है,
हमने प्रेम को सर्वोपरि रख यह समर्पण स्वीकार किया,
सोचा न था कि वर्चस्व को तुमने रेखा का आकार दिया।


1 JUN 2020 AT 15:30


A ring lies on the finger
next to her index
which pulls her down.
She can't fly anymore.

A ring circles her forehead.
It's glue dries a little more
So do her dreams.

A ring shackles her wrists.
It has no key and
each attempt at
unshackling herself
leads to bleeding hands.

A ring is smoked
by her husband's cigar.
It clenches her lungs.
She tries to speak but
she has no voice.

She has no voice.


17 MAR 2017 AT 23:58

King size = Big

Queen size = Small

Even objects define the weaker sex in the Male dominated world!!
