#mused quotes

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25 FEB 2017 AT 8:29

जाती हुई ठण्ड कुछ बातें छोड़ जाती है। बातें उन सर्द रातों की, जब हम एक ही कम्बल के नीचे अपनी ठिठुरन छिपाने को, एक दूसरे से लिपट कर बेसुध से पड़े रहा करते थे। उन शुष्क शामों की बातें, जिनका मोल ही असीम सा प्रतीत हो रहा है। हम एक दूसरे की आँखों में आँखें डाल, ठण्ड का एहसास कुछ कम किया करते थे। अब आँखें तो हैं, लेकिन उनकी वो तपिश नहीं, जो गर्माहट दे सके कुछ। अब ठिठुर जाता है ये दिल, कुछ बंद कमरे में लौ जलाकर। जान गया है शायद ये भी, की मीठी गर्मी नहीं मिलेगी अब इसे। बस अब आखिरी बार जाती हुई ठण्ड को देख याद करता हूँ, तुम, मैं और हमारे सुकून को।

- सौRभ


22 JAN 2021 AT 12:26

Trusted the more,
Rusted the Spirit.


12 JAN 2021 AT 1:57

I looked into her eyes,
Wiped off the tears,
Kissed the scar on her face
And whispered, "Let's start from where we left it".


20 SEP 2020 AT 23:14

The chair in front of me was empty but the two coffee mugs on the table were still full.
We had met today, to say a goodbye, but did we ?



28 SEP 2020 AT 20:16

Sitting down still on the pebble carpet beach; I gazed at the fiery orb, sinking slowly beneath the horizon. The sea drew a perfect reflection of the dusky sky, blending with the varied shades of light. The mellifluous song of the evening breeze filled my soul with a bliss. Wonder, if I could cage this moment within me for ever!


28 DEC 2018 AT 1:25

...A Girl...
She has become addiction to my thoughts,
Without her I'm an impuissant to survive here...
She has become a flow to my blood,
Without her I lacks to amble a step...
She has become an aid to my solitude,
Without her my peeper shed tears again...
She has become a torch of wisdom in Dark to me,
Without her yet it seems I'm a bloody Moron...


14 APR 2020 AT 23:51

मेरे सवाल मे मेरा जन्म भी हैं और अंत भी....
क्या कहते हो कूच देर और सोचूँ या सोच बन जाऊँ ?
इस तूफ़ान को बस देखू या उसमे समा जाऊँ..?
आपको ये सब बताऊँ या अपने साथ ले जाऊँ..?
क्या कहते हो...?


16 AUG 2019 AT 0:48

Light and Cameras on
And i'm left at the centre stage
Spotlight found me too soon
Not sooner than i'd prepared
But sooner than i'd thought

Life drops it's pile of sheets
Some in shades darker than grey
Some in weights way heavier than we can carry
Some on paths that seem like we strayed
And it felt like we had never prayed
And played while others found the way

It's either a roadblock or a crossroad
Neither can stop a determined Me
So I'll walk through this slope
Slide where my feet finds fun
Taking giant strides against the tide
Soaring above them dim-wit

She's heady he says
Find your voice! She screamed from backstage
Go girl! I could hear the voice of my besties
I would have played that role better, comes the spite of better actors
The audience not sure to be silent starts to mumble
Some thought to clap...

Now I'll pull the curtains open in my mind
Let go of the fears and distractions
Moving to the front center stage
Not to take a bow but to set the show Rolling
You ain't seen anything yet....


12 JAN 2021 AT 18:01

Past turns into a mere story and the future is just another thought,
This moment, is the only truth!


18 JUL 2020 AT 0:21

আজকাল বন্ধুরা,

কেউ কেউ সশরীরে বিদেশে থাকে,
কেউ অশরীরী হয়েই স্বদেশে থাকেন…
