#dearsanta quotes

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18 DEC 2018 AT 9:57

Loads of Love❀
Bundle's of Joy
That I'll never be Empty...
That I'll be Overwhelmed...
That People around me
Could taste & See...
Yeah Yeah....
Bring me all your Love


24 DEC 2020 AT 6:08


25 DEC 2020 AT 8:40

! Merry Christmas !
!! Merry Christmas !!

Your wait is longed for
Ensued ever this December
Teens & kids seek favor
Come anyhow this Christmas

Railing spirally through skies
Bulging reddish crimson bag
Desired awaited happy gifts
Decoratively leave on lap


25 DEC 2020 AT 0:07

Brings us lots of happens,
kindness, love, & fun.
Merry Christmas


23 DEC 2016 AT 23:58

Dear Santa

Hope you're fine. It's Christmas again and I'm sure your elves are busy packing gifts for us. Dasher, Rudolf and the gang must be busy doing their last minute exercise for the long journey and you must be still trying to see if any letter is left out to read.

I love Christmas and you, like all. And even old grumpy Nora, my neighbor, loves you. But all are selfish! All want gifts from you, but never return you anything. This time I have a gift for you too. I know you're getting old.
As I don't remember the last time when you looked young, I loaned some hair color from Mumma for your white beard. I'll make you look young again. :)

With love


25 DEC 2020 AT 18:39


25 DEC 2020 AT 22:09


25 DEC 2021 AT 19:48


24 DEC 2020 AT 8:03

protect my happiness
don't let my smile fade away
take people out of my life
that need to be out..
Please give me some strength
to break free from things
that are breaking me...


25 DEC 2020 AT 1:22

The person
reading this
may achieve
every Happiness
and Success
in their life.
