Shalini Chhabra   (Shalini Chhabra Jain)
4.7k Followers · 126 Following

Loves to write.Be her muse.
Joined 13 September 2016

Loves to write.Be her muse.
Joined 13 September 2016
7 MAR AT 22:00

30s are like 20s
A decade later for sure
But with money,
And and soul
That has learnt
To fuck off
And not care.


7 MAR AT 21:59

I am not a victim anymore
Unwavered by your opinion of me,
My conscience
Guides my core.



7 MAR AT 21:56

My tribe of fellow women
And men
Respect me
What I am.
My curves
My attires
Don’t fall for the
‘Good look’ sham



7 MAR AT 20:48

In love,
Unattached or matched
Either way I am a ‘glass that’s full’
Family and children sure bring me joy
But there’s more to life
That gives me the pull



7 MAR AT 20:47

Aren’t antiques to keep,
My virginity isn’t a medal
To my ‘sleep’.
I don’t bathe in the glory of
Managing it all,
I share, I delegate.
For my emotions
I don’t build imaginary walls.



7 MAR AT 17:01

I am the sum total of
my ‘discretionary ear’,
That sieves out
Dominance of fear.
That tells me
‘Your heart on your sleeve’
Is what you should wear



7 MAR AT 16:59

The ‘30 something’ women Club

I am not a victim in today’s age
Nor am I caged.
No, I am not used as a
Means to calm someone’s
Hormonal rage.



5 MAR AT 21:05

The ‘30 something’ women Club

I am not a victim in today’s age
Nor am I caged.
No, I am not used as a
Means to calm someone’s
Hormonal rage.

I am a sum total of
my discretionary ear,
That sieves out
Dominance of fear,
That tells me
Your heart on your sleeve
Is what you should wear.
Aren’t antiques to keep,
My virginity isn’t a medal
To my ‘sleep’.
I don’t bathe in the glory of
Managing it all,
I share, I delegate.
For my emotions
I don’t build imaginary walls.
In love,
Unattached or matched
Either way I am a ‘glass that’s full’
Family and children sure bring me joy
But there’s more to life
That gives me the pull

My tribe of fellow women
And men
Respect me
What I am.
My curves
My attires
Don’t fall for the
‘Good look’ sham

I am not a victim anymore
Unwavered by your opinion of me,
My conscience
Guides my core.

30s are like 20s
A decade later for sure
But with money,
and a soul
That has learnt
To fuck off
And not care


5 MAR AT 21:04

Our cupcake is 9 months old today ❤️

Our tiny glaze of frosting
Is now a cupcake
Graduating to be a pie
A mini socialite at home
Outdoors make you shy
You lips cuddle up
When you look at me,
Your eyes shine
When papa picks you high

Your coos for grandpa
Make us adore you more
You enjoy your grandma’s
Knowing there is
tumble play in store

You adore your nanny
And your chill massage breaks
To deny your willingness for a meal
You know all it takes

How do you
Gift us with love so unfiltered
So true
How do you ensure
that Sundays are surreal
And no Mondays are blue :)

We love you ❤️


16 FEB AT 16:49


बारिश के बाद की बात है
गली के एक नुक्कड़ पर
गीली मिट्टी का ढेर लगा था
छपाक उसमें छलांग लगायी
तो मानो
अंदर बिजली सी
उम्मीद दौड़ आयी
के ये गेम तो सबसे मज़ेदार है
कीचड़ का ये गड्डा
स्टापू के ‘नंबर छे’ डब्बा
होने का हक़दार है
स्टापू की स्लेट जैसी ही इसमें जाएगी
मीठी मिट्टी की महक के संग
कुछ गीली मिट्टी की बूँदें भी आयेंगी
अब तय कर लिया था
बारिश के बाद रोज़ ये ही खेलेंगे
वो ग्राउंड में क्रिकेट खेलने वाले बड़े बच्चों की
आनाकानी नहीं झेलेंगे

स्टापू खेलते खेलते कुछ छोटे
तो कुछ बड़े पड़ाव पार किया करते थे

कभी एक टांग पर
तो कभी आँख मूँदकर
कभी स्लेट चोरी से खिसकाकर
कभी सच में जूझकर

कुछ ऐसे ही बड़े बड़े निर्णय हम रोज़ लिया करते थे
आज साइकिल किस रोड पर चलायेंगे
क्या आज disney hour देखतें समय
मम्मा से maggi माँग पायेंगे

वो birthday जो दो महीने 4 दिन में आने वाला है
उस दिन स्कूल क्या पहन कर जाएँगे
वो 100 रुपये
जो बूआ देकर गई हैं
अगर इसे गुल्लक में ना डाले
तो उससे कौनसी चाट पकौड़ी खाएँगे


लोगो से ज्यादा कुछ पलों में सिमटी है
दोस्ती की हर याद, आज की दौड़ भाग से क़ीमती है


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