9 APR 2017 AT 16:58

Where do I belong?
A question,
was Igniting a restlessness in me
Since long.
So I boarded a Bus
For a far away home, somewhere.
Was the destination.
Full of ups and downs.
Took a deep breath,
And I closed my Eyes
Feeling the soft cool breeze
Swaying through my messy hairs
Raindrops kissing my face, smoothly.
I could count on my heartbeats,
as they became too slow..
As if whispering to me, asking..
to stop right at the moment, just for once.
And listen to the voices in me and their idea of halcyon
While I drown into the soothing serenity.
As I stared Out Of The Window..
There it was.
A beautiful glimpse
Of the destination
The whole journey
Was meant for.

- P. S. Aislinn