12 APR 2017 AT 20:10

°••°Withered Flower°••°

Once a flower bloomed
Clear-n-spotless, white it was
With care and affection of togetherness
A tint of friendship made its mark,

Time just flew like wind
Bond faded to a little pink
There was pride and respect
Colour had changed in a wink,

No sooner the Cupid played a trick,
Love found its way in just a flick
With passion, emotions and warmth of the heart
It grew pretty beautiful and red painted its part,

While everything was going well-straight and bend,
Separation and envy hiding somewhere, Grinned
Brutal words and fights put tranquillity to an end
The flower that was once beautiful now withered,

Love left, ego won with all the flaws,
The heart cried and hands drifted apart
Yet hate could never successfully fix its claws
For the withered flower found a place in the pages of a notebook...

and became its Integral part!

- © निहारिका