Muskan Choudhary   (thegirlinpoetry)
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God, goals, glowing and growing ✨
Joined 18 May 2019

God, goals, glowing and growing ✨
Joined 18 May 2019
15 JUN 2023 AT 20:30

Amidst all the heart-burdening anxiety, my eyes were finally fortunate enough to land on his, and there, I found hope. Infinite hope, which the world could never offer.


22 JAN 2022 AT 14:53

The walls of every room filled with my doodles,
The floor full of newspapers I threw after solving all its riddles,
The wooden table in granny's room engraved with my name,
All those childhood memories where life seemed to be an easy and joyful game.
Curious questions engaging my brain,
Thoughts as noisy as a local train.
Happiness was just a hide & seek away when I was 10,
And remembering all that, my heart feels as heavy as light it was then.


31 MAY 2021 AT 23:41

प्रेम में विरह तो भाग्यवानों को मिलती है।
क्योंकि विरह अग्नि जागृत तभी होती है
जब प्रेम में तीव्रता हो।
ऐसी तीव्रता जो हर क्षण को
भर देती है परमानंद से।
ऐसे परिशुद्ध प्रेम में
विरह की अग्नि भी जलती है
परमानंद के ईंधन से।
विरह वास्तव में प्रेम बाधा नहीं होती,
क्योंकि वो तो सहायक होती है
प्रेम को और तीव्र बनाने में।
मिलन बाधा मिले तो मिले,
पर प्रार्थना है कि प्रेम बाधा किसी को न मिले।
क्योंकि हृदय से प्रेम करने का अधिकार छीन लेना तो
प्राणों के छीन जाने से ज्यादा कष्टदायी हैं।
और प्रेम करने की स्वतंत्रता ही तो
जीवन की विशेषता है।


18 JAN 2022 AT 21:13

Everyone is praising
my beautiful parts,
but he kisses the parts I'm
insecure about.
There is something about him,
he can save your soul
with just a glance.
Oh, how he sprinkles hope
over my fears
and faith over my doubts.
All I need is his smile
to know
there is always
a way out.
And his never fading smile
has always assured me, that
this too
shall pass.


13 JAN 2022 AT 22:26

Her garden was destructed.
But with that,
she lost her fear of the storms too.
The chaos of her life
gifted her serenity,
and liberated her from
the constant apprehensiveness.
And she now had the time
to appreciate the flowers
she had been caring for
all her life.


13 OCT 2021 AT 11:33

Maybe I want something else.
Something I haven't found yet.
Something that is unusual.
I have got everything, they say.
But how do they know what 'everything' is for me?
Maybe I am missing something that is meant to be needed by me only?
I haven't yet realised what it is,
but I can feel the storm of desperation
causing chaos in my heart.
When someone who doesn't know what water is feels thirst,
what do you think he feels like?
He can feel the restlessness
but doesn't know what is going to give him peace.
He doesn't know if it's even possible to find peace.
How is he supposed to know what he wants?
I can feel the thirst of something,
but I don't know what that something is.
What I do know is that
I must find the answer soon enough,
because when someone with thirst doesn't get water for long,
he dies.


30 SEP 2021 AT 22:22

वो धागा जो जोड़ता है पर बांधता नही,
[कविता अनुशीर्षक में]


16 SEP 2021 AT 0:55

हार जाने के बाद कहते हैं की किस्मत नही थी साथ में,
अरे गौर करो! कुछ तो ईश्वर समझा रहा है देकर लकीरें हाथ में!
[पूरी कविता अनुशीर्षक में]


7 SEP 2021 AT 9:08

प्रेम और मोह में
बस इतना ही अंतर जान पड़े।
संसार का प्रेम भी बांधे,
कृष्ण का मोह भी मुक्त करे।

[पूरी कविता अनुशीर्षक में पढ़ें]


28 AUG 2021 AT 14:29

You're my
distraction ♡



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