writing poet   (writing_poet)
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Hi there! Let’s write something amazing together.. Est. January 19, 2017
Joined 19 January 2017

Hi there! Let’s write something amazing together.. Est. January 19, 2017
Joined 19 January 2017
26 OCT 2023 AT 3:43

If life
would give us
another chance,
would you take it?


17 OCT 2023 AT 2:48

Who am I?
Just a ghost. A whisper in the night.
A dream that disappeared when you woke up.
A compliment of a client, a gentleman
that opens a door for you.
A nice hello,
A passing good morning,

And I’m stuck in this world of wonder.


13 OCT 2023 AT 22:35

Miss your voice;
Engulfed in you.
My first choice.


16 JAN 2023 AT 22:59

Some things are not meant to stay, but pass and come back again at another time, maybe dressed different
Talk different, but in essence the same. If we are in tune, we won’t miss it and love it for what it is and how long it stays.


13 DEC 2022 AT 22:06

Tu eres esa fotografía que veo
Cuando cierro los ojos.
Tu eres, ese pensamiento
Cuando pongo mi cabeza
Sobre la Almohada,
Y me acomodo.
Tu eres la locura después de muchos tragos.
Tu eres aliento que me
Ayuda mis pasos.
Tu eres el cometa que me perdí
Por ser inmaduro
Y no poner atención.
Tu eres la luz Que brilla
Y da fuego a esta canción.
Tu eres, hoy;
Lo que quisiera que fueras
Hace veinte años
Pero tu ni te distes cuenta.
Una memoria de los latidos
Que bailan al ritmo
De un viejo poema,
Que llega Pero nunca conquista.


30 AUG 2022 AT 21:54

You are close,
rainy afternoon,
dinner is served and no
kids are home.


8 AUG 2022 AT 20:00

An experiment of love, trial,
suffering patience, and joy.


16 JUN 2022 AT 11:17

I must pass this sleeplessness
Stomach aches
And some thoughts
That seem to linger too long.


Morning awaits me with open arms
New mercies from heaven
And a brand new start.


6 JUN 2022 AT 17:36

I yearn for long summer days.
A lemonade on hand, sitting
under a tree
Breeze in my face.
Waiting for sunset to fall,
Wishing for clear skies
To wish upon a star
And reminisce on the good old days.


4 JUN 2022 AT 21:39

An artist’s clean canvas,
foodies comfort food,
A lover’s rendezvous,
A reader and his books
and a landscaper’s garden.


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