InDrajith KM   (scrib_bled)
759 Followers · 117 Following

Former Video team lead at YourQuote♥️
Movie buff
Joined 3 December 2016

Former Video team lead at YourQuote♥️
Movie buff
Joined 3 December 2016
25 JUN 2022 AT 1:11

അത്രയേറെ സങ്കടം തോന്നുന്ന നിമിഷങ്ങളിൽ
ഞാനെൻ്റെ കൈകൾ കോർത്തുപിടിക്കാറുണ്ട്.
ഒറ്റക്കായില്ലെന്ന് തോന്നിക്കാൻ,
എനിക്ക് ഞാനുണ്ട് എന്ന്
പറയാതെ പറയാൻ.


27 FEB 2022 AT 17:18

You'll miss them
Until you don't

It hurts like hell
Until it doesn't

Just stay alive and
Take one day at a time— % &


21 JUL 2021 AT 1:17

Circa 2018

I didn't have preferences back then.
I used to take whatever I was given.
Be it vodka, whiskey or cheap rum,
I had no complaints.
Be it ghosting, taking advantage, or breadcrumbing,
I wanted them to stay.

Present day

Whiskey on the rocks, self respect,
healthy boundaries and self love
Nothing less
Nothing more


22 DEC 2020 AT 22:49

The saddest thing is
When you waste the best quotes
On the wrong people.


21 DEC 2019 AT 3:08

Maybe this is how
Things should end
No closure
No goodbyes
Leaving hope and
No hope at the same time


5 NOV 2019 AT 1:49

Even though you never made it to my usual Insta stories,
You were all over the poems I wrote.
You will be the story I tell someday.
The one I could never write down.


28 OCT 2019 AT 13:59


ഓർമ്മിക്കുവാൻ തക്കവണ്ണം


മറക്കാതെയിരിക്കാൻ മാത്രം
എല്ലാം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു


13 OCT 2019 AT 2:13

I hope you remember me

Everytime someone talks about road trips
I hope you remember me
Everytime you wear those butterfly earrings
I hope you remember me
Everytime you crave pizza and fries
I hope you remember me
Everytime someone clicks a photo of you
I hope you remember me
Everytime someone ask you about love
I hope you remember me
Like a book you bought years ago
Yet never read


17 AUG 2019 AT 20:03

Hey, it's me again
Hope you're doing well

I got a notification in my phone today
It was from Google photos

It read
'Rediscover this day - 6th August 2018'
Throwback to that day we went to
CCD for the first time together

I still remember,
How much you liked that cappuccino
Instead of the iced coffee you ordered
And made that cute cappuccino moustache.

I still have those photos
Helping the memories not to fade away

Still missing you
But not wishing you were here


17 AUG 2019 AT 12:12

Hey, It's me again
I hope you're doing well

I got a new phone recently
Installed WhatsApp right away

But didn't restore our chats
Moreover, deleted the backup forever

I guess something should be left behind
To move forward

Still missing you
But not wishing you were here


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