26 MAR 2017 AT 9:54

....One morning, we found you lying dead under a Neem tree, where you had once entertained me by trying to chase your own tail. It was sudden and unprecedented just like your arrival into our lives. Just like no one knew where you came from, no one knew why or where you went now. When the corporation people took you away, they took a part of me too.
Maybe you came into my life to teach me that love and friendship can be found even in the lopsided grin of a dog. A dog who was a million times more kind and compassionate than some humans I have known. I am sorry you had to leave so soon. I am sorry I couldn't stroke your fur, hold your paw and tell you it's going to be okay when you breathed your last. I want you to know that I still remember you and still see you in the eyes of abandoned stray dogs. I will always love you Timmy ❤

- Indhumathi Nagarajan