25 MAR 2017 AT 8:38

....After that it took weeks of coaxing, pampering and pleading to gain your confidence back. But you slowly warmed up to me and my family. I found out that we all having been sneaking out food for you from the house now and then. After all, how long could one resist a loving soul with four paws, a tail that never stopped wagging and warm brown eyes. I named you Timmy, taking inspiration from Enid Blyton's Famous five series. But I couldn't take you in because grandma was allergic to dogs.
Yet you gave me so many happy memories. I remember how you played with my old tooth brush thinking it was a bone, making it your chew toy. One night when I was hurrying back from the tuition classes next street, when the power went off. (to be continued...)

- Indhumathi Nagarajan