25 MAR 2017 AT 7:18

Dear Farakh,

This was supposed to be the 5th letter in the series #JanuaryLetters, when I was writing letters to my loved ones and you were the fifth in the list after my parents, sister and Ramya. I had even figured the incident I was going to write about. But then January ended, February came and passed by like a breeze, March started and even before the spring could bloom, summer arrived. You visited me right when March was changing clothes, losing the garb of cold and wearing the unbuttoned cotton shirt to let the hot winds rustle through it. You stayed over for three days, and I’m ashamed to admit that I spent more time with my mobile phone than with you, clearly the fifth most loved person in my life.

(Continued in the caption)

- हर्ष स्नेहांशु