Bikki Sharma   (-Bikki.)
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You promised me heaven and dragged me down to hell and gave love a bad name.
Joined 16 April 2017

You promised me heaven and dragged me down to hell and gave love a bad name.
Joined 16 April 2017
17 NOV 2021 AT 0:15

There is no tragedy more refined,
No grief more intense
Then this love;
It dumbly slams my guts to pieces.


26 MAR 2021 AT 17:19

Freedom has a long history
For the world was caged in misery,
Nation- states were controlled by dint of a bludgeon.
No, if I can recall there were no nation- states
All was but a power play under the sun.

Rulers were ordained by God
Their position consecrated by force,
And freedom was a bird longing to break free from its cage.

What freedom do we talk about today,
There are no rulers but we have elected leaders.
They are the torchbearers of a free nation- state.
No, if I can recall-
We don't decide, we don't want participation we need direction, still nostalgic of being ruled we remain indulgent in servility. We don't participate, we just stand in a line and vote.

Freedom was necessary then and remains today,
For we have always wanted it this way.


15 MAR 2021 AT 22:40

It poses a gret stress on me when I read theology, not about the existence of thee, but what in years of translated texts have come to be.
Rebirth and that not to be reborn means to have understood the cycle of life.
Again this is not something you would find in Abrahamic texts, it is peculiar to religions originating in India.
Be it Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism or Sikhism all have stories and rituals that support reincarnation.
Has anyone died and come back to life to support this suo moto notion?
Nevertheless, what i think happens is life gives you a test and you learn a lesson, until you do, it repeats itself. The cycle of life i believe!
Once you learn the lesson you grown out of it and change your ways, a new approach.
All said and done, but I seem to like the test so much I am mired in the circle of life, repeating the tests without paying any heed to the lessons.


11 MAR 2021 AT 16:17

The whole human rationale only seems to juggle for a slice of precision. Nothing can be said with certainty.
For instance, the whole freedom and restriction game follows an absurd logic: It can be safely established that freedom and restrictions are inversely proportional, with a variable of knowledge growing exponentially with age, isn't it?
Then why it is so that when we are born we are granted more freedom with less restrictions and as we grow the equation changes until we are left with only restrictions and a miniscule amount of freedom.

Logic dictates that with knowledge one feels more liberated and is at ease, hence freedom should have increased with age and not otherwise.
This befuddles me!!


10 MAR 2021 AT 0:28

The idea of heaven and hell has never motivated me
But again as a citizen of the world
How people act by their desire of heaven and fear of hell has always moved me.


6 MAR 2021 AT 21:21

Its not the tragedy that makes an artist,
It is the nature of the artist to seek tragedy
Waiting with open arms for the worst.
T'was always thus and always thus will be!


6 MAR 2021 AT 12:25

As it is often said
Wine is bottled poetry!
And you my dear are free verses
But I can't keep being faced with a choice daily.


5 MAR 2021 AT 18:10

If a group suppress an individual's opinion in public deliberation it is aristocracy and if one person is able to suppress the whole group it is autocracy. So choose your brand of democracy, vote for one or vote for a group, either ways true democracy has become an utopia. But as Robert Browning says-
Our reach should exceed our grasp, Or whats a heaven for?


4 MAR 2021 AT 13:12

The only way to not trouble ourselves with trivialities
Is to understand that life in essence always remais incomplete
But the desire or the need to think that life must be completed before death knocks, is a fools paradise.
One should live life doing duties and fully be aware that death will arrive regardless of completion of the duty.
But we are flawed so instead of welcoming death we trouble life with death and death with life.


2 MAR 2021 AT 0:08

I might have my ways,
Sarcastic, rebellious, quibs and with retorts.
But with you
At best I fall,
I fall into timidity.
I still remember things from our first meeting,
But enunciation is not one my forte when you are the subject of talk.


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