30 NOV 2016 AT 16:57

His eyes are magic, she thought as she shifted her gaze from the stars to him. It was chilly, but the good kind of chilly. Just chilly enough for his hands to warm her up completely as they moved from resting on her knee to slowly and cautiously digging through the layers to her waist. The first touch made her sit up. She was expecting a hundred thoughts to pass through her head, but nothing came, so she let herself sink a little deeper. They talked through it, through the kissing and the touching and the knowing. The constant change in his voice, his expressions, fascinated her and excited her simultaneously. She wondered if they would stay, the stars, as his hands ventured deeper, as did his tongue, as did his thoughts, deeper into her. Slowly, completely consumed by them, the chill disappeared and only the warmth was left. His warmth. Keeping herself wrapped in it, she wondered if it was enough to keep her warm through the cold cold winter, that was yet to come. And then she looked into his eyes again and realised there was enough magic there.

- A.L.