Amol Patwardhan   (ಅಮೋಲ್)
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Joined 15 January 2017

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Joined 15 January 2017
15 JAN 2017 AT 23:55

The only diffrence between what I TALK ane what I QUOTE is STYLE.


3 FEB 2021 AT 1:37

People are templates of time, a user manual of sorts, not for me, but for those who are going to be.


20 JAN 2021 AT 1:58

The unwavering stare of hunger.
It's not just him, I see it in you too.
Stare at all things unattainable...
Struggle, fight, work, beg and all the verbs combined in a day keeps hunger assuaged.
He might hope for a smile, but, you, a family
He might hope for a idly or two, but, you, the world.
Yet, these hunger games are watched, played and sometimes won, with hope, kindness or all the verbs combined.


9 JAN 2021 AT 1:31

Empty, good riddance.
The empty, like you and me.
Built, defined and expected, like you and me.
At 2 AM, tried and tired, like you and me.
Making sense of everything lost and ignoring everything gained, like you and me.
Playing the track of silence on life's premium YouTube, with no ads, like.....?
These slices of calm, something that I crave from our cake of chaos, like me, not sure about you


4 JAN 2021 AT 1:45

Home does keep changing, doesn't it?
From rustic smell of curry leaves, minced in coconut oil and mixed with fresh ground sambar powder, to the uplifting fragrances of olive oil poured on an exotic miscellany of veggies.
From the tea made of tea dust that cried and tried it's best to give you a cup of TEA, to the thick hot chocolate capable of chopping a common man's pocket in half.
From the calm beaches with just sand and shells to the frenzied cement planet.
Home does keep changing, sometimes meek from the outside, of what remains, still bolshie inside.


1 JAN 2021 AT 1:41

Turmoil TO BE.

With vests of belief, mounting the chariots of purpose, driven by the horses of responsibility and selfish happiness.Wielding the imaginary sword of choices we fight.
A step forward to be.

Fools all of us, perceiving that this war is to be. To be who we are.

Failing to understand that the war is between these horses that drags our chariot, confused, in turmoil. Sometimes driven by responsibility, sometimes by happiness trying to move together.

Ask those horses where they want to go, they wouldn't know. If they did, we would already BE. But, remember, it's always TO BE.


15 DEC 2020 AT 2:55

Besides the Relics of the memories gifted.
Carefree even with a life time of waiting.
Resting with the worries stored warm under my belly.
Cold sometimes does trying calling.
Wrong number indefinitely being my answer.
The call just keeps coming....


10 OCT 2020 AT 13:32

Aren't we all forgotten?
Not Alzheimers buddy,
Just choosing not to remember.
Maybe because pain or plain neglect,
How convent to just park memories, no one's coming to toe it.
In my mind it's a war of choices, to remember or pretend


28 SEP 2020 AT 1:56

Little by little, dump my life.
Dump it on the streets.
On dating apps.
On uncanny replacements.
Little by little, ignore the warnings.
Spelling beans that sprout to become plants of disappointment.
At the centre of this garden I sit.
Little by little, accepting that rules are made to be broken, little by little.


20 SEP 2020 AT 3:07

Unkempt music so divine,
Also, canny with notes,
Failing to reach my mind.
Some melodies slipping away.
Held together with a bottle of wine.


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