11 DEC 2016 AT 17:10

"Second chances are hard to give. They are even harder to come by. The other day I was sitting in a cafe, waiting for a friend. I was hungry already and so I ordered for a sandwich. Just then I saw a curious girl standing next to me. Her mannerism made me quite uneasy because she looked like she wanted to tell me something. I was too hungry to care and took my food away to my table. I saw her sitting with this guy. Someone who had hit on me the other day. Not that I was even considering him. He amused me. He didn't see me there that day but I saw them leave, hand in hand.

When I came across to him next, he was precisely the same as he was. The same coded language and flirty eyes. Call me conservative, but I just couldn't talk to him the way I did otherwise. I excused myself and walked away.

That night I was wondering if I would be like this with you too. I didn't know what I would do. Still don't."

- Akshata Mishra