14 DEC 2016 AT 13:35

"Do you sometimes get transported to people, places and memories on listening to your favorite song or eating your favorite cake or just experiencing a familiar feeling, like a tug at your heart?

This morning when I was returning from my walk and could barely see what lay ahead of me my ears were jolted open by that song. Everglow. I swear to God I stopped to look around as if I know someone who is in the vicinity this very moment. I felt an instant pang of longing. A strange one. The bittersweet kind.

I wish they had a mini time travel sort of thing. Where one could go back to places, people or even moments; just to experience them again one more time. It's funny how there's a second time for most of the things except for the first time.

If it were so, I'd pick the silence of the hill with the overlooking city as the backdrop, to experience again. For the first time."

- Akshata Mishra